Dear Grace Family,

As we celebrate all that God has done this past year at Grace and all that he is currently doing, I am reminded of the way the early church that we read about in the book of Acts multiplied as they shared the truth about Jesus boldly. I love the way it explains this movement in Acts 11.

The Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord. Acts 11:21 NIV

We recognize what we have witnessed this past year is evidence of God’s power at work beyond what we had originally envisioned. God is giving us eyes to see new horizons on this Uncharted journey. It will require faith, surrender, and generosity like never before to build God’s Kingdom.

Our prayer as we continue on this journey is that we will continue to see the power of the Lord at work, and hundreds will put their faith in Jesus to save them. I am so excited about all that God is going to do as we continue this Uncharted journey together, and I am asking you to step into these New Horizons with us as he expands our faith in this season!

Our mission as a church is to inspire and equip people to know and follow Jesus. We exist for those who are not here yet. Because of the obedience to give and the generosity of this church, we are well on our way to not only meeting our goal but exceeding what we set out to do last year. As you have been faithful to partner with us in carrying out the ministry of Grace, God has continued to expand our impact.



We set out as a church family to grow our faith as we fully engaged in the Uncharted Initiative, asking God to give us greater faith for a greater future. Our hope is that this faith initiative helps people take steps in their personal faith journey.



To learn more about our Uncharted journey

The secondary goal represents mission advancement, and there are two components of it:

Uncharted Ministry: $7 million for the lifeblood of what we do daily – our annual ministry budget for the next two years.

Uncharted Expansion: $11 million* to expand our Grace Kids ministry, improve security for our Grace Kids ministry, renovate space in the main building for our Grace Students ministry, expand our common space in our lobby, and build a new auditorium for the growth of Grace.

*$11 million will be contributed towards the total project cost of Phase 1 (kids and students space) and Phase 2 (lobby and auditorium space), and the remainder of the project cost will be covered through responsible financing which has already been approved.

Fly Through Phase 2


Take a look at the latest building update here!


  • During this two-year period, every contribution to God through Grace Fellowship is a contribution to our Uncharted: New Horizons initiative. Every aspect of the ministry vision God is calling us towards for the next two years will be funded through Uncharted: New Horizons. There will not be separate funds. Every gift given to Grace will go to the key components of this initiative – our Uncharted Ministry, the ongoing ministry of our church, and our Uncharted Expansion – the expansion of our current ministry facility to reach more of our communities with the hope Jesus brings.

  • First and foremost, we are asking that you pray and seek God’s leading on what He is asking of you. Prepare your heart to hear Him, and then listen to what He says. Engage in a community group during this season if you haven’t already engaged in one. Engage in personal reflection with God in the Uncharted: New Horizon guide you will be receiving. Talk with your group, your spouse, your family, friends, or others about what this commitment will mean for this next exciting season of your life. We are asking that you make a commitment to gospel-driven, surrendered generosity – whatever it is that God leads you to do. Follow His leading. Finally, prepare to be amazed. It is an awesome God that we serve, and we anticipate He will move in huge ways as we seek an unprecedented impact from our collective Uncharted commitments – something only God can do. Please mark your calendar for Commitment Sunday, November 12, and prepare to experience a life-changing worship service that will forever be remembered as a defining moment for our church and for our own faith.

  • Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give towards Uncharted: New Horizons. You might have some stocks, property, or other items of that nature. Or you may have some stored resources that God has blessed you with in the past that He might be calling you to give out of during this time. Please let us know if you need assistance with facilitating gifts of property or stock, and we would be happy to help you with that. You can contact Chad Eubanks.

  • We are asking that everyone make a two-year commitment. The fulfillment period for your commitment will begin with our First Big Give on Sunday, December 3, 2023, and it will culminate in December of 2025.

  • First of all, THANK YOU! We would not be where we are without those of you who made a commitment to generosity in December of 2022. As you’ll remember, those commitments were set to span from December of 2022 through December of 2024. Because the Uncharted giving has been so wildly successful and because God is expanding our church at a rate higher than what we had anticipated, we aren’t waiting another 2-3 years to expand our worship facility and do a second giving initiative. We believe God is calling us to do it NOW. So we are EXPANDING our Uncharted journey by launching a NEW two-year giving initiative. So, for those of us who have a current two-year commitment to Uncharted who still have a remainder of that commitment left to give (which is likely most of us), we encourage you to INCLUDE that commitment in your Uncharted: New Horizons two-year commitment. We won’t be automatically doing that for you; you’ll need to include that number in your new number, along with any expanded giving for 2024 as well as new and expanded giving for 2025 and stored resources for that time period as well. So, your fresh number will include your anticipated giving and stored resources for the time period of December 2023 – December 2025.

  • As much as we have grown as a church, we have hundreds of households who have joined us since we began Uncharted last fall. Instead of making them feel like they are joining halfway through a party that has already been happening for a year, we instead wanted to bring the party supplies over from that party and start a brand NEW party FRESH so that everyone can feel a part of it from the beginning. This doesn’t negate whatsoever the generosity that has already occurred over this last year. Uncharted has been so wildly successful that we wouldn’t be where we are without the strong generosity from givers from the first year! But the need is so significant for what it will take to expand our worship facility and make room for those whom God is sending to us that we need everyone to be a part of it! Thanks for jumping in and joining the new party across the street!

  • Uncharted: New Horizons is about your total, prioritized, gospel-driven generosity to God’s mission at Grace Fellowship. We believe that God calls us to action in times of hardship just as much as He does in times of abundance, and that looks different for every person. Uncharted is about a heart surrender and a trusting of God into the unknown – something that is only accomplished by seeking the Lord and responding to His call and His Word. So that may mean that you are being challenged to sell things, to pick up odd jobs, or even to trust God in faith by making a commitment that you don't quite know how to fulfill right now but that you believe God will provide for as you seek for ways to sacrifice and work towards that commitment. We would love for 100% of us to be a part of Uncharted: New Horizons so that we can all be supporting, loving, encouraging, and praying for one another through this spiritually stretching season at Grace Fellowship.

  • The truth is that none of us know exactly what our future will hold. That’s the beauty and challenge of taking steps of faith! We want to encourage you that even if you’re not sure if you’ll be a part of Grace Fellowship for the full span of the next two years, we invite you to still commit to generosity and be a part of this life-changing endeavor God has for our church in this season. If needed, you may modify your commitment at any time. But often, people will continue to support Grace even after they’ve left the area as a ministry they continue to be a part of into the future. If you happen to move out of the area, we would love for that to be your story!

  • If you are someone currently seeking to make payments to pay off debt right now, we commend you for making progress on that. And you should continue to do so. We would be happy to help you in this journey and/or to recommend a budgeting class that might minister to you. Being in debt does not, however, make someone "excused" from giving. Giving isn't about what God wants from you; rather, it's about what God wants for you. So it should be our joy and privilege to give at all times, regardless of the amount or percentage. Please contact us if you need assistance with paying off debt while still giving or if you would like to speak with a budgeting counselor, and we would be honored to help.

  • Uncharted: New Horizons was crafted specifically with you in mind. Uncharted: New Horizons is a "one fund" generosity initiative, meaning that it is different from a traditional capital campaign in which you are called to give an extra gift above and beyond your normal giving - thus creating two steps for people who aren't yet giving. Uncharted: New Horizons is a call to surrendered, gospel-driven generosity for absolutely everyone at Grace Fellowship. If you have never given before, this is your chance to get in the game with committed giving. We really hope you will.

  • Uncharted: New Horizons is about the vision for our church and our personal discipleship in giving as followers of Jesus. We believe that the local church is one of the most compelling missions to give towards, and we would really love for you to make Grace Fellowship your home and join us in Uncharted: New Horizons. If you are ready for it, this is a perfect time for you to put a stake in the ground and make this your church. We need you on the team!

  • Great question. People take different spiritual steps at different times. Some people begin praying before they begin attending church. Others begin going to a community group before they begin talking to God in prayer. Giving is another spiritual step, and it comes at different times for different people. One thing is for sure, however. Just like other spiritual disciplines, giving draws us closer to God. And God is calling ALL of us to give. Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19) . Whether you have taken the spiritual step of baptism or whether you haven't yet, we would encourage you to still join us in this Uncharted: New Horizons initiative. We firmly believe that it will draw you closer to God and hopefully to a place where you are ready to make the decision to become baptized and to surrender your life to the Lordship of Christ.