We set out as a church family to grow our faith as we fully engaged in the Uncharted Initiative, asking God to give us greater faith for a greater future. Our hope is that this faith initiative helps people take steps in their personal faith journey.
The secondary goal represented all that was needed to carry out the mission of Grace daily as we seek to meet the needs of our communities, create weekly environments where people can experience God’s love personally, and make room for those who aren’t here yet.
Uncharted Ministry: $6 million (our goal from last year) for the lifeblood of what we do daily – our annual ministry budget.
Uncharted Expansion: $6 million (our goal from last year) to expand our Grace Kids ministry, improve security for our Grace Kids ministry, and minimize ministry barriers by re-configuring space for the Grace Students ministry.
(our goal from last year)
What we set out to do.
When we set out on the original Uncharted journey in the fall of 2022, we decided at the time that we would need to approach this project in 2 phases so that we could build each space to meet the needs of future growth. The first need we would address would be more space for Grace Kids ministry, then address the need to create more room for people in a larger auditorium.
As we began to assess the growth pattern and evaluate our building plans, it became clear that we needed to find a way to get to the next phase faster. We went back to the builder, who was able to find a way to reduce the cost of the second phase while still getting us all the space we needed to make room for more people.

unique givers toward the Uncharted Initiative
first-time givers to the Uncharted Initiative
in total commitments and expected giving (with new givers, we are on pace to exceed the $12M goal!)

Where we are going.
In fact, we believe that with the growth we have seen, the generosity of this church, and God's power at work here, we are in a position to begin the process of moving toward the next phase right away. Meaning, we are asking God to give us all that is needed to make space for those he has put us here to reach by building a larger auditorium and expanding the common space in our lobby to support the growth.
Uncharted is not going away! Uncharted is here to stay! But instead of Uncharted simply being a two-year initiative that was launched in the fall of 2022 and was set to go two years through the fall of 2024, we are expanding our Uncharted journey by launching a NEW two-year initiative that will launch this fall of 2023 and go through the fall of 2025. We're calling this new initiative: Uncharted: New Horizons.